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About the Author

Dr Alison Davis has a wide range of experience and expertise in the development of school and organisational based professional development. She has a PHD from Auckland University and a 1st class Masters degree in Educational Leadership and Administration. Alison is a well known and highly respected as a leading literacy researcher, writer, speaker and staff trainer. She is particularly known for her research on reading comprehension and for leading initiatives focused on accelerating and sustaining improved levels of literacy achievement. She has extensive experience in working in Asia, Australia, the Middle East, New Zealand and the United States.

Alison is also the author of a number of teacher resources to support explicit instruction of reading and writing for students in years 1-8.
They include:

Building comprehension strategies
For the primary years
Alison Davis

Skilled readers are active readers, using many comprehension strategies to make meaning before, during and after reading. Building comprehension strategies focuses on strategies often used to develop the comprehension ability of primary school students.

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Effective writing instruction
Evidence-based classroom practices
Alison Davis

Skilled writers learn to write with enjoyment, engagement and self-efficacy for a range of purposes and audiences. Becoming a competent and confident writer is an exciting process for learners. It can also be a demanding process.

Effective writing instruction provides teachers and students with the knowledge and skills to become active and engaged in the process of learning to write – and learning from writing.

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Teaching reading comprehension
Second edition
Alison Davis

Teaching reading comprehension, 2nd edition, provides teachers working in years 4 to 8 with practical research-based strategies and ideas that support best practices in reading instruction.

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